More About AZO Complete Feminine Balance® and Your Vagina
This post has been created in partnership with AZO Complete Feminine Balance® http://bit.ly/2DShnQn, but all opinions are my own. Please consult your health care professional for medical advice.
Your vagina is the one body part of yours that can bring intense pleasure, annoying pain and even be the passageway for a new human.
In short, your vagina is pretty cool. As a gynecologist, I often find that for a body part that is so important, many women still don’t know a few crucial facts about their vaginas.
It is normal to have two outer vaginal lips and two inner vaginal lips. Sometimes, these inner lips come out beyond the outer lips. This is normal. - IT IS A DEAD END.
People are always afraid they are going to lose something in their vaginas. This is impossible.
The vagina is closed around the cervix (the bottleneck of the uterus), thus creating a dead end. The cervix hole, when not dilated (like it is in labor), is way too small for something like a tampon or condom to pass through. So, the theory that something could travel up and get lost somewhere in your body is completely false. - IT ISN’T GOING TO STRETCH OUT FROM A LOT OF SEX.
The urban legend that says that a woman who has a lot of sex becomes “loose” is not only completely derogatory and misogynistic, but it is also false. The vagina is elastic.
It expands for a penis during intercourse, and then collapses back to its resting size. The only thing that can cause a vagina to stretch out is the birthing process. So pump up those Kegel exercises after you have a baby. - IF SHE SEEMS DIFFERENT, SHE WANTS YOU TO CALL THE DOCTOR.
If you smell, see or feel something that just isn’t right, talk to your doctor. You may have something that needs to be treated.
Never assume you know what the problem is, and never self-treat it, especially if you’re sexually active. When in doubt, check it out. - IT IS A VERY ‘DIRTY’ PLACE.
The vagina is full of bacteria and some yeast, also known as your vaginal microbiome. When in a happy balance, it serves as your vagina’s own natural defense. Unfortunately, anything from your period, pregnancy, or even stress can disrupt the delicate balance, upsetting your vaginal pH and leaving you feeling anything but balanced. One of things that I recommend to keep your vagina in a happy and healthy place is AZO Complete Feminine Balance® Daily Probiotic.*
It is a probiotic specifically formulated to help keep that natural balance in check.* It’s been shown to work in 7 days§ and you can add it to your daily routine!
So, there you have it. Hopefully you feel just a touch closer to your vagina.
To get to know more ask your doctor questions!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
§ Results demonstrated in clinical studies. Not all AZO products are safe for pregnant women.
AZO Complete Feminine Balance® and IntellifloraTM are trademarks of DSM.